Steve and Johnny begin their three part series on grading each contributor on the 2021 Los Angeles Rams. This week, they grade...
Derek Ciapala and former Los Angeles Rams DB Michael Stewart analyze the reason coaching changes and rumors within the franchise.
Steve and Johnny ware joined by Underdog Fantasy’s Sosa Kremenjas. The guys put a bow on the Super Bowl before diving into...
What a Week 1, right? Week 1 doesn’t foreshadow the entire season, but it usually is a good indicator. Unless you’re a...
The Los Angeles Rams addressed some positions during the 2021 NFL Draft and even a little with some undrafted free agents. Here’s...
Now that we’ve had a moment to put away our torches and pitchforks, there is plenty to dissect from this draft class....
Ben Skowronek 249th overall The Los Angeles Rams have more than their share of wide receivers to evaluate as they added their...
The Los Angeles Rams opted to go running back with their first pick of the seventh round and selected Maryland RB Jake...
The Los Angeles Rams traded back once again. If you’re surprised at this point, you haven’t been paying attention. This time, the...
In a somewhat shocking selection, the Los Angeles Rams opted to draft their second WR of the 2021 NFL Draft. This time...